ICN Annual Conference 2016 Opening Sessions

Min Lim Hng Kiang

Mr Lim Hng Kiang, Minister for Trade and Industry (Trade), made the opening address at the International Competition Network (ICN) Annual Conference 2016, highlighting "competition policy and law as a key enabler for economic growth".

Toh Han Li

Mr Toh Han Li, Chief Executive of the Competition Commission of Singapore (CCS), moderated a special plenary session on "building economic communities with competition policy".

Johannes Laitenberger

Mr. Johannes Laitenberger, Director General, DG Competition of the European Commission, was one of the speakers at the special plenary.

Ambassador Ong

Ambassador Ong Keng Yong, Executive Deputy Chairman of the S Rajaratnam School of International Studies, said that ASEAN's millennials were changing markets and consumption in ASEAN as they are better educated, have higher spending power and are technologically savvy. ASEAN millennials look for brands that resonate with them and welcome competition and choice. ASEAN policy makers should therefore seize the opportunity presented by the ASEAN Economic Community and develop and enforce competition policy with promotes lower costs, wider choice and improved quality in goods and services.

Plenary 1

Plenary 1: Cartel Working Group Detection and Deterrence